Seat of Your Pants Productions extends its acclaimed production of Trainspotting, a guest production at the Elephant Theatre, through June 2. Two lucky Culture Spot LA readers can win a pair of free tickets to the Friday, April 19, show by emailing
A disturbing, gruesome and darkly funny stage adaptation by Harry Gibson of the cult novel by Irvine Welsh, Trainspotting is not for the faint of heart. Featuring profanity, nudity, cigarette smoking, and simulated sex and drug use, it’s a bleak, black, tragically humorous tale of a wasted generation, a journey to the heart of a world peopled by psychos and junkies.
Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle and LA Weekly award-winning director Roger Mathey directs this production, which has been earning critical acclaim.
Trainspotting continues through June 2, with performances on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 7 p.m. Tickets are $20 on Fridays and Saturdays, and $15 on Sundays. The Elephant Theatre is located at 6233 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood 90038 (1½ blocks west of Vine). For reservations and information, call (323) 960-7785 or visit