Under the aegis of the world’s largest religion, power and hypocrisy threaten to silence the faithful. The world premiere of a moving new play by KPCC morning host Steve Julian explores the price paid by victims of the Catholic Church sex-abuse scandal. Using dark humor to underpin serious subjects and themes, including teen sexual identity and religious faith vs. belief, “What Kind of God?” is the first play in a trilogy Julian is writing as part of a new social awareness campaign he calls “Silence No One.”
Culture Spot LA readers can score free tickets to see the show on Saturday, Oct. 5, at 8 p.m. Email editor@culturespotla.com with “What Kind of God?” in the subject line for a chance to win. Winners will be contacted on Monday, Sept. 30.
“What Kind of God?” continues through Oct. 20 at the Lillian Theatre, 1076 Lillian Way, Hollywood 90038. Tickets are $12-$23. Call (323) 960-7787, or visit www.whatkindofgodtheplay.com.