Odyssey Theatre Ensemble toasts the 20th anniversary of frequent producing partner Evidence Room, as the two companies band together to present the Los Angeles premiere of a new adaptation of Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux’s classic comedy “The False Servant,” running July 11 through Sept. 6.
Seduction, money and power are all on fine display in this sly 18th-century romp. A young girl dresses as a man to learn more about her husband-to-be. What she discovers bends everything from gender to our most cherished notions of love.
Adapted by Martin Crimp and directed by Bart DeLorenzo, “The False Servant” stars Dorie Barton, Mathew Bazulka, Cody Chappel, Barry Del Sherman, Chastity Dotson and Christian Leffler.
Culture Spot LA readers can score a pair of free tickets to the show on Friday, July 17, at 8 p.m. The third Friday of every month is wine night at the Odyssey: enjoy complimentary wine and snacks and mingle with the cast after the show. Email editor@culturespotla.com with “False Servant” in the subject line for a chance to win.
Odyssey Theatre, 2055 S. Sepulveda Blvd., LA 90025. For tickets or information, call (310) 477-2055, ext. 2 or visit www.OdysseyTheatre.com.