Highways Performance Space Artistic Director Leo Garcia presents the cathartic multimedia one-man show, “Apocalyptic Exodus Scenarios,” written and performed by Joey Halter for two nights only on Friday, July 31, and Saturday, Aug. 1. Blending philosophy with absurdist comedy, psychedelic lighting, video projections, and rock and roll, Halter’s “Apocalyptic Exodus Scenario” is a humorous existential exploration of life’s enigmas. The 90-minute event starts at 8:30 p.m. at Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica.
“Apocalyptic Exodus Scenarios” is a humorous multimedia one-man show that explores creative evolution and the personal apocalypse that we all must endure. Through raw, stream of consciousness rantings that involve masturbation, aliens and mindless jobs, colorful characters Charlie, Dave, Gary, Jim, Randy and William collectively take an existential quest, through darkness and light, in search of meaning. The work, a collection of related monologues, tells the story of one man as many men — a reflection on the myriad lives that we all inhabit within a single lifetime, much like nested Russian dolls.
Culture Spot LA readers can get free tickets to the show. Email editor@culturespotla.com with “Highways” in the subject line and the date of your choice in the body of the email for a chance to win.
Highways Performance Space, 18th Street Arts Center, 1651 18th St., Santa Monica 90404. General admission tickets are $20 in advance ($15 for students, Highways members and seniors) and can be purchased here. Reservations may also be made by calling (310) 315-1459. Additional information is available at www.highwaysperformance.org.