Internationally renowned ballet stars and prominent role models Ashley Murphy and Brooklyn Mack guest star in Los...
Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Company at UCLA
As is often the case, choreographer/director/author and Kennedy Center Awardee Bill T. Jones is pushing the envelope....
East Indian music and ballet with Lines Ballet and Alonzo King at The Wallis
The San Francisco-based Lines Ballet and its innovative choreographer/director, Alonzo King, together with Grammy...
Cas Public at Theatre Raymond Kabbaz
American modern dance pioneer Martha Graham brought her milieu to our northern neighbor in the middle of the 20th...
Review: ‘The Woman in Black’ at the Pasadena Playhouse
On opening night for “The Woman in Black” at the Pasadena Playhouse, a full house was laughing out loud, especially...
Review: Ghost stories from Wicked Lit
I’m not crazy about pumpkin spice anything, but one thing I definitely look forward to each fall is Wicked Lit — the...
Wayne McGregor’s ‘Autobiography’ at the Ahmanson Theatre
British contemporary dance choreographer Wayne McGregor is bringing his “Autobiography” to the Ahmanson Theatre for...
David Rousseve’s ‘Halfway to Dawn’ at REDCAT
Following its mission to showcase the latest high-quality creations in contemporary dance, music and theater, the Roy...
Karen Zacarías’ ‘Native Gardens’ at Pasadena Playhouse
Karen Zacarías takes issues like racism, sexism and ageism and tangles them all up in “Native Gardens.” Fortunately,...