In its 19th iteration at Froggy’s, a family-friendly seafood watering hole above Malibu, the Topanga Film Festival...
A.I.M. by Kyle Abraham at the Carpenter Center
Returning to the Richard and Karen Carpenter Center on the campus of Cal State Long Beach for its fourth appearance,...
‘The Dance Floor Will Heal You’: CAP UCLA presents Jay Carlon’s ‘Wake’
Bringing concert dance onto the nightclub floor, the Center for the Art of Performance at UCLA is presenting...
Little Women Ballet at Heritage Square Museum
Little Women Ballet returns with an Autumn site-specific immersive experience – the second in the Trilogy – at...
Gregory Maqoma’s South African dance comes to CAP UCLA
UCLA’s Center for the Art of Performance, now under the artistic direction of former REDCAT Deputy Director Edgar...
Live Music and Dance Collaboration at LA Dance Project
With a caveat warning that “sweat and ‘blood’ may be spilled” in the final lines of their promotional materials,...
The List: Things to do in September and beyond
Opera and game music, art and science, theater and books -- there is no shortage of things to do in LA. Check out our...
The Ford and New York Live Arts present ‘The Motherboard Suite’
The choreographer, dancer, director, and Kennedy Center and MacArthur Genius Awardee Bill T. Jones is often involved...
The Wooden Floor at the Irvine Barclay Theatre
Soon to be jumping excitedly into its 42nd year of operation, Santa Ana’s renowned afterschool dance program for...