Scene from the film "Breaking," which is on the virtual program, Sunday, March 27. / Image courtesy of Dance...
‘Ink & Linda’ premiere and screenings, with related exhibits and performances
Ink & Linda, a documentary about an artistic duo, premieres this weekend with screening/exhibit/performance...
Ronald K. Brown/EVIDENCE at Royce Hall
Photo by Christopher George / Courtesy of the Kennedy Center As the Covid...
Claudia Rankine and Will Rawls collaborate on ‘What Remains’ at REDCAT
"What Remains" comes to REDCAT. / Photo by Ian Douglas Continuing its ongoing mission to bring cutting-edge live...
Milka Djordjevich Raises Dance Questions at REDCAT
"CORPS" comes to REDCAT this week. / Photo credit Maria Baranova With a history in both the LA and New York...
Ate9 Dance Returns to The Wallis
Photo courtesy of Ate9 Dance Company As life begins to slightly resemble its pre-pandemic existence, Beverly Hill’s...
Contemporary Dance and Hip-Hop Fusion at The Wallis
Performing in a space that used to be a train station and then a post office, the TL Collective comes to the Wallis...
Plays by Daniel MacIvor and Chiara Atik at Atwater Village Theatre
The Atwater Village Theatre is back with three plays, two from the Open Fist Theatre Company and one from the Echo...
REDCAT’s New Original Works Festival Ends With a Bang
Jasmine Orpilla: “TALGED, Her Body She Cares for, Her Soul/s (She) Guards.” Photo by Ian Byers-Gamber. Concluding its...