Get ready, get set… get ¡Ser! Los Angeles Theatre Center presents the world premiere of a comedic solo show written and performed by Karen Anzoategui that features live music by CAVA and Walter Miranda written in collaboration with Louie Pérez of Los Lobos.
¡Ser! is a riveting personal narrative that examines a queer Latina’s strained relationship with each of her two homes: Los Angeles and Buenos Aires. Spending years in both cities, she dreams of a pilgrimage to meet her soccer idol Diego Maradona and see him play. The back and forth migration of her upbringing, amidst major moments in Argentine history, leaves her with few role models save an over-sexed Argentinean English teacher and a mute that communicates via horn. Featuring live music and her own soccer skills, Karen delights in her zany journey to find community and love in pursuit of her ¡GOL!
Culture Spot LA readers can score a pair of free tickets to the preview performance on Friday, Nov. 15, at 8 p.m. Simply email with “Ser” in the subject line for a chance to win.
¡Ser! runs Nov. 15 through Dec. 8 at Los Angeles Theatre Center, 514 S. Spring St., LA 90013; $10-$30; (866) 811-4111 or