Bootleg Theater presents the world premiere of “Death of a Salesgirl,” an absurdist tragicomedy with integrated media, about one woman’s struggle to free herself from her past. Written by Patricia Scanlon, “Death of a Salesgirl” is a dark and humorous parable of a salesgirl breaking into new territory. This intensely creative interdisciplinary performance piece, directed by Matthew McCray, incorporates video projections, animation and a uniquely crafted set by the award-winning Francois-Pierre Couture. “Death of a Salesgirl” stars Patricia Scanlon and Paul Dillon. Culture Spot readers can win a pair of free tickets to either the Saturday, Oct. 20, show (tomorrow) or next weekend by emailing with their preference of date. Winners will be notified immediately.
“Death of a Salesgirl” continues through Saturday, Nov. 17, with show times at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays. Bootleg Theater is located at 2220 Beverly Blvd., LA 90057. For venue and ticket information, please call (213) 389-3856 or visit