“Solomon: King, Poet & Lover” is a hilarious Biblical comedy about one man and 700 wives. The solo show is performed by Marcus J. Freed, who takes you on a funny and fast-paced rollercoaster ride through the life of King Solomon. We meet Solomon as he tries to open the Temple, publish astonishing books of wisdom, experience every delicacy on earth… and keep 700 wives happy. Marcus plays the King, 700 wives, 300 concubines and Court Eunuch. The 60-minute performance promises to be witty, engaging and thought-provoking.
“Solomon: King, Poet & Lover” has been performed in more than 20 countries. Welcome to the Los Angeles premiere! Performances are Dec. 3 through 11 at the Mimoda Studio at the Paper or Plastik Café.
SAT DEC 3 7:30 pm
SUN DEC 4 3:30 pm
SAT DEC 10 7:30 pm
SUN DEC 11 7:30 pm
Culture Spot LA readers can win free tickets to the show on Sunday, Dec. 4, at 3:30 p.m. Email editor@culturespotla.com with “Solomon” in the subject line.
Order tickets: www.solomonplay.com
Watch the trailer: https://youtu.be/X16RJLmltmc
The Mimoda Studio at the Paper or Plastik Café is located at 5772 W. Pico Blvd., LA 90019.