The Third Street Theatre presents the West Coast premiere of “The Burnt Part Boys,” an unforgettable coming-of-age musical that follows the adventures of a group of teenagers deep in West Virginia’s coal country. Fourteen-year-old Pete, his older brother Jake and a band of friends embark on a life-altering journey to the “burnt part” of the coal mine that took their fathers’ lives. With its soaring score inflected with the rich sounds of the Appalachia region, this inspirational new musical finds the streaks of light and the heart of darkness within us all.
Culture Spot LA readers can win a pair of tickets to a preview on Thursday, Sept. 12, at 8 p.m. To be entered in the drawing, please email with “The Burnt Part Boys” in the subject line.
“The Burnt Part Boys” opens Sept. 14 and runs through Oct. 20 at the Third Street Theatre, 8115 W. Third St., LA 90048. Tickets are $29-$34. Call (323) 655-9232 or visit