The classic tale of the world’s most infamous outlaw goes rogue in “The Heart of Robin Hood,” a heart-pounding, eye-popping new adventure directed by Gisli Örn Gardarsson and Selma Björnsdóttir from Iceland’s innovative theater company Vesturport and the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts (The Wallis). “The Heart of Robin Hood” opens Friday, Dec. 1, and runs through Sunday, Dec. 17.
Robin Hood and his unmerry gang of cutthroats steal from the rich, but it never occurs to them to give back. When a wicked Prince John threatens it all, the bold Marion steps in to protect the poor. The brilliant retelling of the Robin Hood tale from British writer David Farr (BBC’s “The Night Manager”) transforms the Bram Goldsmith Theater stage into Sherwood Forest and features daring acrobatics, outrageous comedy and soul- stirring songs from a live band led by Icelandic pop singer Salka Sól.
The ensemble cast is led by Luke Forbes (Broadway’s “Merchant of Venice” with Al Pacino) as Robin Hood, Christina Bennett Lind (Off- Broadway’s “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”) as Maid Marion and Daniel Franzese (“Mean Girls” and HBO’s “Looking”) as Pierre.
The show is recommended for adults of all ages and “brave children.”
Arrive early for happy hour from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at The Briskin Bar @ The Wallis, located in the Jim and Eleanor Randall Grand Hall.
LOCATION: Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, 9390 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills 90210
(310) 746-4000